The Best of Intentions

It has been a long, long time since I last wrote a blog for my web site. The best of intentions count for very little, evidently. So much has happened since I last put pen to paper (this being neither pen nor paper) that there's no point in boring you with it all. The highlights will have been a Fat Fast Bobby UK tour in 2022 with the amazing Killdeer, a solo album of my songs by the equally amazing Angie LeMar, a Fat Fast Bobby album and a soon to be released FFB CD of all new songs. This new compilation is titled, “The Fat Album.” You'll get it when you see it. Or maybe not. In any event, it's a cool album, IMHO, and I hope you will like it.

For those who are not deeply immersed in the world of Fat Fast Bobby, that is the band with which I play guitar and for which Angie is lead singer. Right now it is on hiatus; not dead, just resting and, all being well, will come back to life, even if intermittently, in the near future. Until that time, and even beyond that time, Angie and I will be working on more acoustic oriented material. Indeed, our new album is already in the works, being recorded at Astoria Park Studios with the amazing Tony Calabro. If you've got songs that need to be recorded so that the world can hear them, there is no better person than Tony. He's a cross between George Martin, Rick Rubin and the Dalai Lama, all of whom could learn a little from him. 

As for gigs, Angie and I have been playing fairly regularly at Shrine World Music in Harlem, arguably the best place in NYC to find an eclectic selection of wonderful music. And a more welcoming venue you will not find. Love those guys. We have also played the renowned Rockwood Music Hall a couple of times this year, and will be back there on August 12th. (4pm! Don't miss it!) After which we head to Ames, IA to play the Maximum Ames Music Festival. That one is certain to be a fun fest every step of the way.

So, that's the latest. I'll write again in the not too distant future with more updates. At least that's my intention. Nobody please mention the road to hell.


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